Gel Manicures
Gelish Gel Polish Manicure – Cuticle work, buffering, shaping, choice of polish 75 mins £40
French Polish £43
Gelish Gel Polish removal 30mins £15
OPI Manicures
OPI Express Manicure – Cuticle work, buffering, shaping, choice of polish 45 mins £25
Colour £45 (Gel)
Gelish Soak Off Gel Polish – Cuticle work, hard skin removal, shaping, choice of Polish, foot massage. 75 mins
French £48 (Gel)
Gelish Soak Off Gel Polish – Cuticle work, hard skin removal, shaping, choice of Polish, foot massage. 75 mins
Gel Polish Removal 30mins £15
Colour £40 (OPI)
O.P.I – Cuticle work, hard skin removal, shaping, choice of Polish, foot massage. 90 mins
French £42 (OPI)
O.P.I – Cuticle work, hard skin removal, shaping, choice of Polish, foot massage. 90 mins
OPI Hand / Foot Masque with Heated Mitts/Boots additional £18